What is it?
Periodically, at a minimum of once every two years, the Fund will conduct an overseas pension existence exercise to check that all of our overseas pensioners are still alive and hence the payment should continue.
Due to the varied and, sometimes inaccessible way in which overseas death registers are held, we are unable to conduct mortality screening against them as is possible for UK residents.
We along with our mortality screening and tracing partner, Heywood's , will conduct the exercise.
How is this carried out?
This is carried out every two years with the next one due mid 2024, the Fund will provide early notification that the exercise will be undertaken before Heywood's make contact.
There will be different options available to sending in your completed data and this can be returned to either Heywood's or the Fund.
Heywood's have the option of using an app called mypensionID, or you can complete the Overseas Life Certificate Form (PDF, 129 KB)(opens new window) and return it to The Fund. Instuctions on how to complete this form are detailed on page 2.
Please do not contact Heywood's until after requests for information have been issued as they will have no record for you.