You can update your contact details, expression of wish, view your documents and more on My Wiltshire Pension, our members secure online portal.
Click here to log into My Wiltshire Pension and update your details, our members secure online portal.
Not registered? Request an activation key to access your account by clicking here.
Alternatively please find the relevant forms below, which you can download and return to us once complete.
Change of Address
Change of Address (PDF, 90 KB)(opens new window)
Change of Bank/Building Society Details
New Bank Form (PDF, 107 KB)(opens new window)
Please be aware that from April 2015 payroll departments are legally obliged to share address information with HMRC.
Expression of Wish
You must keep your expression of wish nominations up to date in order for your nominations to receive a death grant in the event of your death.
The advantage of nominating your relatives or dependants to receive any lump sum death grant is that payments may be made quickly, without waiting for your Estate to be settled and normally without any liability to inheritance tax.
Update your of expression of wish
Expression of Wish (PDF, 126 KB)(opens new window)
Please return your completed forms to pensionenquiries@wiltshire.gov.uk